Contracted out: How Maryland school districts do business
The Frederick County Public Schools board made 1,205 recorded payments above $25,000 from FY2019 to FY2022 to 554 total distinct vendors. The school board paid these major vendors a total of $1,039,924,812 over that period.
This data does not contain payments to most local, state and federal government agencies such as the Internal Revenue Service or Maryland Board of Education, which are often the top vendor, because of inconsistencies among counties in interpreting the reporting law.
Explore the top 10 recipients of that money below, or browse our database for records from Frederick County Public Schools.
Top 10 Vendors
Vendor Name | Total Amount |
CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield | $279,664,744 |
CVS Caremark | $104,559,112 |
TSA Consulting Group Inc | $59,599,676 |
SilverScript Insurance Company | $43,721,358 |
JPMorgan Chase Bank | $35,997,809 |
CDW Government Inc | $24,932,225 |
Delta Dental | $20,360,291 |
Keller Brothers Inc | $17,206,125 |
Maryland Association of Boards of Education | $16,995,266 |
WGL Energy Systems Inc. | $14,248,559 |
Click here to browse all of the data from Frederick County Public Schools
Between FY2019 and FY2022, Frederick County Public Schools paid a combined $279,664,744 to the vendor CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield, which is the school board's top recipient across all payments.
Hover over the bars on the chart below to see the top vendors over the observed years, or hover over the line graph to see the total spending from this school district by year.
Some counties have provided incomplete records. Read about our limitations and methodology here.